Reclaim your world by being an agent of change.Take your first step towards SIMPLE ONE.

212 km Certified Range

2.77 s   0-40 km/h

105 km/h      Top speed

The SIMPLE ONE is a complex mecha-biology ofpassionately designed and crafted elements.

Unapologetically bold, for the boldest

Black is unambiguous, definite. It is not
easily misunderstood and helps create
a feeling of certainity with drama.

Truly yours, from the heart to your roots

Red can be fun and playful, while some
find it bold, exciting or even dominating,
it stays a truly striking, eccentric colour.

Nonchalant blue like a cloudless sky

Blue represents both the sky and the sea
and is associated with open spaces, much
like our underlying design philosophy.

Smooth, elegant movement, pure and free

White conveys freshness and implicity but in a rather sophisticated way. This might just be the
perfect balance between purity and innocence.

Bold with a hint of confidence

Black partners red accents playfully to create some drama in the elegance, a sense of sophistication with a visceral wild side.

Sheer heart and passion

Freshness and fun come together in a fusion of purity and energy, a fragment of chaos becoming a portion of soulful order.



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